Stamp Duty On Instruments

1. Acknowledgment.
2. Administration Bond.
3. Adoption Deed.
4. Affidavit.
5. Agreement or its Records or Memorandum of an Agreement.
6. Agreement Relating to Deposit of Title Deeds,Pawn,Pledge or Hypothecation.
7. Appointment in Execution of a Power.
8. Appraisement or Valuation.
9. Apprenticeship Deed.
10. Articles of Association of a Company.
11. Articles of Clerkship.
12. Award.
13. Bond.
14. Bottomry Bond.
15. Cancellation.
16. Certificate of Sale.
17. Certificate or Other Document.
18. Charter-Party.
19. Clearance List.
20. Clearance List.
21. Composition Deed.
22. Conveyance.
23. Copy or Extract.
24. Counterpart or Duplicate.
25. Customs Bond or Excise Bond.
26. Delivery order in Respect of Goods.
27. Divorce.
28. Entry of Memorandum of Marriage.
29. Exchange of Property.
Excise Bond
30. Further Charge.
31. Gift. 
Hiring Agreement.
32. Indemnity Bond.
Inspectorship Deed.
33. Lease.
Leave and License Agreement.
34. Letter of Allotment of Shares.
Letter of Guarantee.
35. Letter of Licence.
36. Memorandum of Association of a Company.
37. Mortgage Deed.
38. Mortgage of a Crop.
39. Notarial Act.
40. Note or Memorandum.
41. Note of Protest by Master of a Ship.
42. Order for the Payment of Money.
43. Partition.
44. Partnership.
45. Power of Attorney.
46. Protest of Bill or Note.
47. Protest by the Master of a Ship.
48. Reconveyance of Mortgaged Property.
Record of Transaction.
49. Release
50. Respondentia Bond.
Revocation of any Trust of Settlement.
51. Security Bond or Mortgage Deed.
52. Settlement.
53. Share Warrants.
54. Shipping Order.
55. Surrender of Lease.
56. Transfer.
57. Transfer of Lease.
58. Trust.
59. Warrant for Goods.
60. Works Contract.